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The Lord Jesus:

The Lord Jesus is fully God. When He was born as a human child, His mother Mary had never had sex with a man. He was born without any sin at all, neither did He ever sin throughout His life. Everything Jesus said or did, written in the Bible, is completely true and shows us what God is like. Although He had no sins of His own to be punished for, Jesus suffered and died as a punishment for sinful mankind. God brought Jesus back to life as a man and took Him to heaven, God and man forever. In heaven He speaks to God on our behalf because, as man, He understands us.

Historic definition:

The true and proper Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ; His Virgin Birth; His real and perfect manhood; the authority of his teaching; and the infallibility of all His utterances; His work of atonement for sinners of mankind by his vicarious suffering and death; His bodily resurrection and His ascension into Heaven and His present priestly intercession for His people.


  • Isaiah.64:6.

  • John.10:35-36.

  • Romans.9:5.

  • Isaiah.7:14.

  • Matt.1:18-20.

  • Luke.1:34-35.

  • Gal.4:4.

  • John.8:40


  • Acts.2:22.

  • Romans.5:15.

  • Heb.2:11,14,16.

  • 1Tim.3:16.

  • Matt.7:28-29.

  • John.8:26,28.

  • John.12:49-50.

  • John.14:10,24,&17:8.


  • ​​Lev.17:11.

  • Isaiah.53:6,12.

  • 2Cor.5:21.

  • Gal.3:13.

  • 1Peter.2:24.

  • John.20:19,20.

  • Luke.24:36,46.

  • 1Cor.15:20.

  • Luke.24:50-53.

  • Acts.1:6-11.


  • The Lords personal references: 

  • John.14:2,12.

  • John.16:5,10.

  • Acts.5:31.

  • Hebrews.7:25.

  • Hebrews.9:24.




The Bible:
We believe everything in the Bible, because God has made certain that every word is true. God teaches us to understand the Bible properly.

Historic definition:

The full inspiration of the Holy Scriptures; their authority and sufficient as, not only containing, but being in themselves, the Word of God; the reliability of the New Testament in its testimony to the character and authorship of the Old Testament; and the need of the teaching of the Holy Spirit to a true and spiritual understanding of the whole.



  • 2 Tim. 3:16.

  • 2 Peter 1:20-21.

  • Luke 24:25-27.

  • John 16:13-14



Every part of us, including our spirit, is sinful, because the first man and woman, from whom we all descended, sinned against God in the beginning. We need God to give us a new life so that we can become Christians.


Historic definition:
The utter depravity of human nature in consequence of the fall, and the necessity for regeneration.


  • Romans.3:23.

  • Isaiah.64:6.

  • Psalm.51:5.

  • John.3:5-7. 



Becoming a Christian:
If we believe that Jesus is God's Son and has died as a punishment for our sins, then God will forgive us our sins and treat us as if we were as perfect and make us His friends and sons.


Historic definition:
Justification of the sinner solely by faith through the atonement of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.


  • Romans.3:24-31.

  • Gal.2:16.

  • 1Peter.2:24.



Baptism and the Lords Supper:
When we become a Christian we show this to everyone by being baptised, that is submerged in water. We remind ourselves of what Jesus did by dying for us in the service of the Lords Supper, when we eat bread and wine, as Jesus and His disciples did on His last night on earth. Baptism and the Lords Supper do not make us Christians but God encourages us by them and helps us to understand Him more.


Historic definition:
The Ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper as being instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ but not in baptism as conveying regeneration grace, nor in the Lord’s Supper as being a sacrifice for sin or involving any change in the bread and wine.


  • Matthew.28:19,20.

  • Luke.22:19,20.

  • Matthew.26:26-28.

  • Mark.14:22-24.

  • 1Cor.11:23-26.



The Trinity:

God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit together form one God, three persons in one God. God was completely in charge of creating the universe in every aspect. He is also in charge of everything that happens to us in our life, good things and bad things. He is also in charge of making us Christians.


Historic definition:

The Unity of the Godhead and the Divine CO-equality of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; the Sovereignty of God in creation., providence, and redemption.


  • John 5:7.

  • Matt.28:19.

  • 2.Cor.13:14.

  • John14:11.

  • John14:26.

  • Heb.1:2.

  • Eph.1:11.

  • 1.Cor.1:30

  • 1.Peter1:18.



The Holy Spirit:

God the Holy Spirit has to change our sinful heart to give us new life, before we can become a Christian. God then continues to change us for the rest of our lives to make us live more the way He wants. God the Holy Spirit also has to be present in our church services to make them helpful to us and pleasing to God.


Historic definition:

The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration, conversion and sanctification; also in ministry and worship.


  • John.3:3,5,27.

  • 1Cor.2:14.

  • Gal. 6:15.

  • Ezekiel.11:19.

  • John.1:13.

  • Acts.16:14.

  • Phillipians.2:13.

  • Jeremiah.31:18.

  • 1Peter.1:2.1Cor.3:6.

  • 2Cor.3:3,4,5.

  • John.4:23,24.



The return of the Lord Jesus Christ: 

One day the Lord Jesus Christ will come back, in all His heavenly power and glory, to bring about the end of this sinful world


Historic definition:

The personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ in glory


  • Matthew.24:44. 

  • Titus.2:13.

  • 1Thess.4:13-18.



The Resurrection and the Final Judgement:

When Jesus returns, the dead, both Christians and non-Christians, will be brought back to life and given new everlasting bodies; those alive at the time will also have their bodies changed. Everyone who has ever lived will be judged by Jesus, Christians will be given everlasting happiness and non-Christians will be punished for ever.

Historic definition:
The resurrection of the body; the judgement of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ with the eternal blessedness of the righteous and the eternal punishment of the wicked.


  • Job.19:25-27.

  • John.11:24-25. 

  • John.5:25-29. 

  • 1Thess.4:13-16. 

  • Heb.9:27.

  • Matt.25:31-46.

  • John.5:27-29.

  • Acts.25:24.

  • Romans.2:5-11.

  • Rev.20:11-15.




Christianity Explored have put together a collection of videos to answer some of the big questions people may have about Christianity, such as: 'If God exists, why is there suffering?' and 'Isn't following Jesus all about following rules?'.

Please click below to watch these videos:




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